For Kicking Instruction please visit our official website at

Signup for the best Kicking Instruction in Dallas, Austin and Houston, TX. Coach Brent is a professional kicking coach who provides kicking camps and private kicking lessons in Dallas, Houston and Austin, TX. We are the source for the best Texas Kicking Camp in the biggest football state in the country. The best kickers and punters in Texas come to our spring and summer texas kicking camps because we offer the lowest student to coach ration, the most 1 on 1 kicking instruction, kicking competitions and real results.

texas kicking camp

Coach Brent offers small group kicking lessons, 1 on 1 kicking lessons and a Texas Kicking Camp for all ages and skill levels. We hold national kicking camps in several states across the country and conduct year-round kicking lessons. Every spring, summer and fall Coach Brent is available for 1 on 1 kicking instruction and small group kicking and punting lessons in Dallas and Austin. Even though he is based on the west coast, he flys out to help his Texas students regularly as there’s several students he coaches in Texas.

To sign up for a Texas Kicking Camp or to schedule kicking lessons with Brent Grablachoff, be sure to visit our official website at